Funky Sock Monkey Toy

This funky sock monkey toy has original hand crafted felt eyes, that match the socks he's made from. Hand made sock toys really are great if you are looking for very personalized gifts for monkey lovers.

sock monkey

How to make this funky sock monkey

funky sock monkey pictures

Things you need:

The modern sock monkey pattern
A pair of ladies purple mosaic socks
Black felt
Purple felt
Turquoise felt
Red embroidery thread
Black embroidery thread
Turquoise embroidery thread

Cut, sew and stuff body, arms, legs and mouth of your sock monkey toy as per the basic sock monkey pattern and instructions.

Eyes: The eyes were made by cutting a large black square from felt, a smaller yellow square and an arch shaped purple one small enough to fit inside the yellow square.

Embroider black thread through the center of all the pieces to hold them together and be the pupil. Turquoise thread was used to randomly stitch the eye patches to the head.

Don't worry so much about getting the squares to match perfectly. It's all about just relaxing and stitching things together and if they end up a bit wonky, all the better, that is when their personalities come through.

Ears: Just for fun the ears were made different from one another.

Both ears are stuffed a little, but the right ear has embroidery with black thread that follows the circular shape of the ear, while the left is embroidered around the lavender square that sits in the center of the ear.

funky sock monkey face

An added bonus of using mosaic socks to make a sock animal is that you have the lines of the mosaic itself to follow when cutting.

Just flatten the socks out and instantly there's lines to guide you. The lines also make it much easier when it comes to stitching on the arms, mouth, tail and ears.

This little guy is my favourite, he sits on a cute turquoise stool at the end of the hall and looks as good as the day he was made. That was a few years ago now.

He endured being thrown around a bit when the kids were younger and now gets to rest happily on his little stool. 

funky sock monkey face

Previous monkey Next monkey 

monkey logo

TIP: Truly funky (odd) monkeys aren't necessarily going to be symmetrical. Purposely making odd sized eyes, ears and what ever else you can think of, really adds some fun.

For creating the perfect personalized gift head to Campanella Creations


Swing from Funky Sock Monkey to Sock Monkey Pictures

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Sock Monkey Hats to knit