Red Heel Socks

Original Rockford red heel socks, manufactured by Fox River Mills make a classic looking sock monkey doll. The distinctive heel of one sock makes the mouth and the other makes the bottom (butt) of a sock animal.

red heel sock monkey

How to make this Rockford sock monkey

Step one: You will need Rockford Socks.

red heel socks sock monkey

Things you need:

The modern sock monkey pattern
Rockford Socks
Black embroidery thread
Two buttons

I followed the modern pattern instructions and when it came to doing the ears I slightly stuffed mine. I just prefer my ears with some stuffing and then I like to embroider them as well.

These socks are the ones to use if you are making traditional looking sock toys. They are perfect for creating a stuffed animal as they are solid work socks - made to last.

After making many creatures I really notice that the thicker stronger socks are the ones that are going to hold up over time. On saying that, there are still many fun thinner (non work) socks that will last well if they are taken care of, all depends on how often arms, legs etc are going to get yanked in different directions.

This little guy is my own personal toy. He was the very first primate I ever made. Aww!!

red heel socks sock monkey face
red heel socks sock monkey butt

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Where to buy Rockford Work Socks

There are so many places where you can buy monkey socks from so it pays to have a shop around online or in store if you have the time. Here's a good place to start.

TIP: To make classic looking toys, the original socks are a must. To get truly vintage looking animals, a pair of Nelson red heeled socks are needed and you might also want to use the vintage pattern.


Swing from Red Heel Socks to Sock Monkey Pictures

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